I was browsing through Instagram when I stumbled upon a Reel discussing conversations among believers, referencing Malachi 3:16. It says:

“Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name.”

As I’m studying this scripture, I have learned that the conversations we have among each other are significant and relevant to our walk and discipleship.

In the book of Malachi, the prophet addresses the people of Israel during a time of their social and spiritual neglect. This was after the Israelites had returned from Babylonian exile and rebuilt the temple. However, over time, the Israelites fell into complacency and began to reject God and His commands. In Malachi 1:6-14, the Lord, through Malachi, accuses the priests and the people of despising His name by offering defiled sacrifices on the altar. This section highlights how the Israelites dishonored God through their half-hearted worship and offerings, reflecting their complacency and spiritual decay. The people were going through the motions of religious observance, but their hearts were not truly committed to God’s laws and principles.

Despite the widespread apathy and corruption, a faithful few continued to honor and fear the Lord. Malachi 3:16 gives us powerful insight into the nature of God’s relationship with His people and how He responded to those who continued to follow Him. The verse highlights several key points:

Community of the Faithful: The phrase “those who feared the Lord spoke with one another” indicates a community of believers who shared a common reverence for God. Despite the prevailing ungodliness in society, these individuals sought fellowship, encouraging and strengthening one another in their faith.

Divine Attention: The text underscores that God is not distant or unobservant; He actively listens to His people. “The Lord paid attention and heard them” reveals God’s attentiveness to the conversations and concerns of the faithful, demonstrating His intimate involvement in our lives.

Esteem for God’s Name: The final part of the verse, “of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name,” highlights the reverence and respect the faithful have for God. Esteeming God’s name means they hold God in the highest regard and live in a manner that reflects His character and commandments.

Verse 17 further declares, “They will be mine, says the Lord Almighty, in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.” The phrase “They will be mine” signifies a deep, personal relationship between God and His people. It denotes a sense of divine ownership and belonging, implying that despite their shortcomings, there remains a group within Israel that God claims as His own. This group, the faithful remnant, stands in contrast to the broader societal neglect and decay.

In essence, Malachi 3:16 reassures believers that God notices and values our devotion, even when it seems like the surrounding culture does not. It speaks of the importance of community among Christians, the attentive nature of God, and the eternal significance of living a life that honors Him. This scripture serves as an encouragement to remain faithful and engaged in godly conversations and deeds, reassuring that these efforts are seen and remembered by God.

What conversations are you having? What beliefs and ideas are being exchanged in your home and community? Who’s in your community? What are you saying as you speak to one another? As God listens in, what will He hear?

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